Move More May

May is National Fitness Month. With the world outside of our houses slowly opening back up, there’s no better time to get yourself moving.

Chapter Community Garden Project

We are moving forward with plans for our community garden project and still need you, the residents, to make sure we get this right.


Make a Change in March

Learning new skills can improve your wellbeing by boosting self-confidence, a sense of purpose and helping you to connect with others.

Meet Sue, Chapter’s inspiring wellbeing coach

What inspired you to join Chapter? I have always felt passionate about empowering people to achieve their aspirations however small or grand they might be. I have a strong belief in people and their ability to find hope and success. I think people deserve to feel valued and worthy of support and time. What’s the […]

Jump Start January

To get 2021 started the way that we all deserve this month we’re focusing on ‘Jump Starting’ our January by moving more.