#StrongWords – Amy

Our Strong Words series continues with Amy’s story in which she opens up about her experience with anxiety.

#StrongWords – Dave Sheekey

As part of our Strong Words series, social worker and volunteer Dave tells us his inspiring story about living with bipolar disorder.


We’re in the 7th month of 2021! It feels like it has flown by, but this month we have another theme to help us stay present in these overwhelming times.

Find your community

Lockdown has been difficult, especially when it comes to socialising, so Chapter have compiled a list of groups – online, local, specific or general – for you all to check out!


In the month of June, we at Chapter focusing on giving. The theme of the month, as you’ll see across social media, is #JustGiveJune.

Homepage of JustGiving with the start fundraising banner at the centre

Set up a JustGiving page in just 5 steps

Fundraising is a great way to show you’re positive about mental health, so we’ve put together this simple guide to getting yourJustGiving page up and running.