Making sure we stay connected is hugely important for our mental wellbeing. Socialising may seem like a standard day to day thing, but for some it’s a difficult task. If you know somebody who loves and appreciates the joy socialising can bring to somebody’s day, this could be the gift for them!
Chapter runs several services wherein our users can communicate and socialise with each other, either in person or online. These services has proved hugely necessary going into and upon exiting lockdowns in the past couple of years, particularly our Connect listening service and Belong group activities.
Funds from this gift go toward making sure those services stay running. Connect is a listening service run by volunteers we train here at Chapter, to provide a social boost for people who may not get it normally. And Belong encompasses all of the group activities that Chapter runs, from board Games and arts and crafts to our coffee mornings.
The money from this gift ensures we can continue to fulfil the training required for our volunteers, as well as keep our services afloat overall. It could even pay for a coffee for a session with our wellbeing coach and service user!